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En Ooru Website

Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement

En Ooru's privacy practises are described in this privacy statement for the information we collect:

Through the software programmes (the "Apps") that we make available for use on or with computers and mobile devices

You are accessing this Privacy Statement through one of our social media pages (collectively, "our Social Media Pages") that we control.

Through correspondence with you and emails, we send you in HTML format that links to this privacy statement

The Websites, the Apps, and our Social Media Pages are together referred to as the "Online Services," and when combined with offline channels, the "Services." You accept the terms and conditions of this Privacy Statement by using the Services.

Personal data gathering Here, “Personal Data” is the term that is used to indicate any information that helps us identify our individuality. At certain segments, during your visit to our website, we may collect your Data including: 


Postal address


Telephone number

 Email address

 How Do We Gather Personal Information? 

We gather personal data in a variety of methods, including: 

Web-based services: When you use our websites or mobile applications to make a purchase, communicate with us in any other way, connect with us on social media, sign up for our newsletter, take part in a survey, contest, or promotional offer, we may receive personal data about you.

Customer service offices. When you engage with us via email, fax, online chat, or when you contact customer care, we get Personal Data from you. These conversations might be taped for training and quality control purposes.

Gathering of Additional Data


"Other Data" refers to information that, in most cases, does not immediately identify you or expose your identity. We will treat other data as personal data if it can be used to specifically identify you or to link you to a specific person. Other information is:

  • Device and browser data
  • Info on app usage
  • Information gathered via pixel tags, cookies, and other methods
  • Statistical information and other information you provide
  • Compiled data

How We Gather Additional Data

We obtain Other Data through different methods, including:

From your device or web browser: The Media Access Control (MAC) address, screen resolution, computer type (Windows or Macintosh), name of operating system name, version of OS, device manufacturer and model, type of browser and its version, language, internet browser type and version are among the types of data we gather collect through your browser or device We use this information to make sure the Online Services work properly.

Use of our Apps: When you download and use an App, we may collect information about its usage, the time and date that the App on your device reaches our servers, and the specific files and data that have been downloaded to the App based on the device you are using.

Cookies: Cookies are small data files that are directly saved on the computer or mobile device. They allow us to gather certain information. Cookies give us the ability to gather information such as browser type, time spent using Online Services, pages visited, referring URLs, preferred languages, and other traffic statistics in aggregate. We utilise the information to help with navigation, display information more efficiently, gather statistical information, tailor your experience while using the Online Services, and identify your computer to make it easier for you to use the Online Services. To continuously improve design and functioning, comprehend how the Online Services are used, and help us with query resolution, we also collect statistical data about the usage of the Online Services.

Additionally, cookies enable us to choose which offers or adverts will likely be of interest to you and display them when you use the Online Services or send marketing emails. Additionally, we employ cookies to monitor consumer response to online ads and promotional communications.

Learn more about managing cookies at http://www.allaboutcookies.org/manage-cookes/index.htm if you do not want data gathered by cookies.

By modifying the browser settings, you may decide whether to accept cookies. However, if you refuse to allow cookies, using the online services may cause you some discomfort. For instance, you won't get marketing from us or other offers that are pertinent to your requirements and interests.

We do not currently respond to "Do-Not-Track" signals sent by browsers.


The use of pixel tags and comparable technologies: We gather information from pixel tags, also known as web beacons and clear GIFs, which are used with some online services to, among other things, monitor the behaviour of users (including email recipients), assess the effectiveness of our marketing initiatives, and compile data on how the online services are used.

Analytics: We gather information through Google Analytics and Adobe Analytics, which employ cookies and other technologies to gather information about how the Services are used. These services gather information about how users interact with other websites, apps, and online resources. Visit www.google.com/policies/privacy/partners/ to discover more about Google's policies. the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on, which may be found at https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout, to opt-out. Visit http://www.adobe.com/privacy/opt-out.html to learn more about Adobe and to opt-out.

Technology from Adobe Flash, including Flash Local Shared Objects ("Flash LSOs"), and other comparable technologies On some Websites, we utilise Flash LSOs and other technologies to collect and store information, among other things, on how you use the Online Services. If you don't want Flash LSOs to be stored on your computer, you can use the tools by visiting Website Storage Settings Panel at http://www.macromedia.com/support/documentation/en/flashplayer/help/settings manager07.html to change the settings of your Flash player to prevent Flash LSO storage. By visiting the Global Storage Settings Panel at http://www.macromedia.com/support/documentation/en/flashplayer/help/settings manager03.html and following the instructions (which include instructions describing, for example, how to delete existing Flash LSOs, how to prevent Flash LSOs, and other matters) you can also manage Flash LSOs and how (for Flash Player 8 and later) to stop Flash LSOs from being installed on your machine without your consent. The functioning of various Flash applications, including those used with the Online Services, may be hampered or reduced if the Flash Player is set to prevent or limit the acceptance of Flash LSOs. Please see https://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player/kb/disable-local-shared-objects-flash.html for additional details.


IP address: Your Internet Service Provider (ISP) automatically assigns your computer's IP address, which is what we gather (ISP).

When a user visits the Online Services, an IP address is automatically detected and recorded in our server log files, together with the date and time of the visit and the sites browsed. To determine usage patterns, identify server issues, and manage the Online Services, we employ IP addresses. We may also be able to determine your general location from your IP address.

Combined Information: We may combine data that we have gathered, but the combined data will not include any personal information about you or any other user.

Application of Personal Data and Other Data To serve you better, create new products, and safeguard En Ooru, we use Personal Data and Other Data. In some cases, we'll ask you to send us Personal Data or Other Data.

We may not be able to offer the desired Services and/or goods you are seeking if you refuse to supply the data that we request or forbid us from collecting such data.

The following are some of the legitimate business purposes for which we utilise personal data and other data:


Give you the services you ask for: To provide the services you request, we use both personal data and other data, including:

To assist our electronic receipt programme: We utilise the email address you supply when identifying your order to send you a copy of the product invoice.

As we have a legitimate interest in doing so and/or to comply with the law, we will use your personal information and other data to manage our connection with you.

Make the Services more suited to your individual preferences. To make the Services more tailored to you and to enhance your experiences, including when to contact our customer support team, we use personal data as well as other data to:

Personalize your experience based on your preferences:

We talk to you about products based on your personal preferences. We employ both personal and other data to:

Send you periodic customer satisfaction, market research, or quality assurance surveys in addition to marketing communications and promotional offers.

Loyalty Schemes: We employ both personal and other data to:

Offer and oversee your involvement in our international loyalty programmes

Send you offers, promotions, and details about the status and activities of your account.

Check Advantages:

  • Control the options you make for earning, tracking, and using your points.
  • Events, activities, promotions, and sweepstakes. To operate sweepstakes, contests, and other promotions and to enable you to participate in them, we use Personal Data and Other Data. There may be additional guidelines and details regarding how we use and disclose your Personal Data in certain of these activities. We advise you to carefully read any such guidelines.
  • With your permission, to administer our business connection with you, or if we otherwise have a legitimate interest, we utilise personal data and other data in this manner.

Business objectives

  • Manage your earning preferences and track your progress
  • Personal Data and Other Data we gather from you help us in data analysis, audits, security and fraud monitoring and prevention, the creation of new products and services, the enhancement, improvement, or modification of our Services, the identification of usage trends, the evaluation of the success of our marketing initiatives, and the operation and growth of our business operations.

We manage our business connection with you, abide by a legal requirement, or act in our legitimate interest when using Personal Data and Other Data in this manner.

Disclose Personal Information and Other Information

We may need to share your Data with third parties for them to help us run the website or carry out some of the processing we've listed below for you.

Additionally, we are not liable for the data collection, use, disclosure, or security policies or practises of other businesses, including Facebook, Apple, Google, Microsoft, RIM, or any other provider of apps, social media platforms, operating systems, wireless services, or device manufacturers. This includes any Personal Data you divulge to third parties via the Apps, our social media Pages etc.


Third-Party Advertisers

When you browse the En Ooru website or any upcoming or existing app owned and or administered by En Ooru, we may employ third-party advertising businesses to show adverts for products and services that may interest you. These businesses instal or detect a special cookie on your browser to offer you such adverts (including through the use of pixel tags). Visit http://www.networkadvertising.org/managing/opt out. asp and http://www.aboutads.info/ for additional information about this practice and to learn about your options related to it. You can download the AppChoices app at www.aboutads.info/appchoices to refuse the practice.

Consumer Privacy Rights in California

The California Consumer Privacy Act, also known as the "CCPA," and the rights it grants California residents are both covered in further detail in this section.

Please email [email protected] for further information about the kinds of sources we used to gather the personal data we have over the past 12 months. The personal data we gather is not sold by En Ooru (as that term is defined in the CCPA) (and will not sell it without providing a right to opt-out) out. Please be aware that, as further detailed in our Cookie Policy, we do utilise third-party cookies for advertising purposes.

The CCPA grants California consumers, subject to certain restrictions, the right to request more information about the categories or particular set of personal information we collect, to request the deletion of their personal information, to reject any potential "sales," and to request protection from discrimination if they exercise these rights.

Californian customers can send us an email at [email protected] to seek something based on CCPA rights. We will use the details linked to your account, including your email address, to verify your request. Identification from the government might be needed. Customers may also appoint a qualified agent to act as their representative in the exercise of their rights.


To secure Personal Data, we make an effort to implement suitable organisational, technological, and administrative safeguards. Unfortunately, there is no way to guarantee that a data transit or storage system is completely safe. Please contact us right away in line with the "Contacting Us" section below if you have any cause to believe that your interaction with us is no longer safe (for instance, if you believe that the security of your account has been compromised).



Our website offers links to various websites and third parties for your convenience and information to anticipate your needs. We disclaim any liability for such third parties' acquisition, maintenance, use, sharing, or disclosure of data (including personal data).

Before revealing any personal information, we advise you to get in touch with these third parties and inquire about their privacy practices, policies, and security measures. To learn how those websites gather, utilise, and keep the information, we advise you to study their privacy statements and policies.


Access, Selections, and Retention

When it comes to how we use your data, you have options, and we want to make sure you have the knowledge you need to make the decisions that are best for you.

You can unsubscribe at any time by following the instructions in the marketing-related emails we send you, or you can contact us at [email protected].

Additionally, members of our loyalty programmes have the option to stop receiving communications from us that are related to marketing by contacting customer service at [email protected] or through their programme account. We'll do our best to abide by your request as soon as it is reasonably possible.

How to Get Access to, Modify, or Remove Your Personal Information

Please be specific about the personal information you want to be modified, whether you want it deleted from our database, and any other restrictions you want to place on how we can use it in your request. For your safety, we may need to confirm your identity before fulfilling your request because we only complete requests for Personal Data connected to the specific email address that you use to send them to us. We'll make an effort to fulfil your request as soon as it is practically possible.

Please be aware that there are times when we must store certain data to maintain records or to finish any transactions you started before requesting a change or deletion. In other words, sometimes, it may not be possible for you to make changes to personal data or delete the same until the completion of a purchase.

There might be leftover information in our databases and other records that won't be deleted. Additionally, for legal, security, or other reasons, we might not let you view some data.


Unless a longer retention time is required or permitted by law, we will only keep your data as long as it takes to achieve the goals listed in this privacy statement.

Our retention durations are determined using the following criteria:

During this period, we will continue to work with you and offer you services.

Whether there is a legal requirement that we must follow (As per certain laws, we may need to maintain a record of your transactions for some time)

Whether retention is recommended given our legal situation (such as, for statutes of limitations, litigation or regulatory investigations)



Sensitive Information

We ask that you refrain from sending us or disclosing any sensitive personal data via the Services or in any other way unless specifically requested (This includes social security numbers, information regarding racial or ethnic origin, national identification number, political opinions, health, religion, ideological or other beliefs, biometrics or genetic characteristics, criminal background, trade union membership, or administrative or criminal proceedings and sanctions).

How to Reach Us

Please email us at [email protected] if you have any queries regarding this privacy statement.